How to Participate in GivingTuesday Despite the Pandemic

Amid the frenzy of holiday shopping and seasonal celebrations, GivingTuesday stands as a reminder of the importance of giving back to your community. 

GivingTuesday, scheduled for December 1, is driven by a simple but effective concept: to encourage people to do good. Since its creation in 2012, GivingTuesday has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in donations and inspired countless individuals across the globe to collaborate and contribute in whatever way they can — whether by lending time, energy or money to worthy causes of their choosing.

Although the Coronavirus pandemic is impacting the activities we’re able to do, there are still plenty of opportunities to contribute to your community during GivingTuesday. We’ve shared our top ideas below.

1. Lend your time.

Many of us don’t have the resources to contribute money, but sharing your time is an effective way to make a difference in your community. Although many organizations, including Cameron Memorial Community Hospital, are limiting in-person visitation and volunteering in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations offer opportunities to volunteer remotely. Check with your favorite nonprofits to see if they need any volunteer support.

2. Donate to a cause you support.

We suggest finding a nonprofit or organization that’s making a difference in your community and making a donation. If it’s realistic, we encourage you to make a donation. If you’re an employer, think of incentives to encourage your employees to donate to causes they support. If you’d like to support Cameron this GivingTuesday, we encourage you to donate to Cameron Memorial Community Foundation. Through the donation portal, you can pick a specific cause to support.

3. Advocate for something you believe in.

Find a cause or organization you believe in and support it in whatever way you can. Join an advocacy group, sign a petition, contact local, state or national public officials — make your voice heard. Also make an effort to rally others to join your cause. Talk to neighbors, friends and family and recruit them to join your cause.

4. Help someone you care about.

GivingTuesday encourages both large and small acts of kindness. It can be as small as sharing a compliment or smiling at a passersby. The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic presents many opportunities to help those you love. Call a loved one or pick up groceries for an elderly neighbor or relative who’s trying to avoid spending time in crowded places, for example.

5. Most of all, do something to better your community.

Regardless of whether you’re lending your talents to a cause you support, donating your time or money, or helping someone in need of support, every act makes a difference.

If you are interested in supporting Cameron Memorial Community Hospital this GivingTuesday, contact us today.


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