Updated Visitation Policy, Effective February 1, 2023
Visitors are asked to observe the following guidelines:
- Limit visitors to two people at a time. Exceptions to visitation should be shared with the Charge Nurse and taken into consideration.
- If the patient is in isolation or during health emergencies, visitation may be limited to only 1 person at a time.
- NOTE: Cameron observes CDC-recommended visitor restriction guidelines for infectious disease outbreaks. In addition, Cameron takes into consideration local infectious disease transmission conditions, informed by the Indiana State Department of Health, during a health emergency.
- Visitors must be instructed on isolation procedures by the nursing staff and adhere to all hospital policies regarding personal protective (PPE) equipment.
- Visitors will not be allowed to eat or drink in isolation rooms
- NOTE: Cameron observes CDC-recommended visitor restriction guidelines for infectious disease outbreaks. In addition, Cameron takes into consideration local infectious disease transmission conditions, informed by the Indiana State Department of Health, during a health emergency.
- Overnight room-in arrangements can be made for parents of young patients. Visitors staying overnight will be offered comfort supplies (i.e., blanket, pillow) and information on the location of vending machines
- In the obstetrics unit:
- Healthy siblings may visit at the parent’s discretion if accompanied by an adult. If a child is a threat to the well-being of his or her sibling and other infants, they will be asked to stay in the Visitors’ Lounge.
- Children under the age of 12 are not permitted during delivery; they will be asked to wait in the lobby and be attended to by an adult (over the age of 18).
- Children 12 and above should have received education related to childbirth, prior to attending the delivery, and must have an adult who is able to attend to the child at all times that is not the admitted patient.
- All individuals must wash their hands before holding the infants.
- The father of the baby or a support person may stay overnight.
- Visitors who are known to have a fever, new-onset cough, diarrhea, or rash will not be allowed to visit.
- Visitors with COVID-19, non-COVID-19 respiratory infections, and exposure to an individual with COVID-19 should defer visitation.
- Masks are strongly encouraged when visiting or accompanying patients in our inpatient, surgical, and emergency department areas
- Cameron observes CDC-recommended visitor restriction guidelines for infectious disease outbreaks. In addition, Cameron takes into consideration local infectious disease transmission conditions, informed by the Indiana State Department of Health, during a health emergency.
Patient visitation rights:
- Patients will be informed of their visitation rights, in writing, per the Patient & Visitor Guide, provided on admission, or in outpatient registration. If the patient is unable to exercise these rights, the patient’s representative may do so.
- Patients may verbally choose who can visit, including, but not limited to, a spouse, partner (including of the same sex), family members, or friends, subject to certain medical restrictions or limitations on such rights that are necessary to provide safe care to the patient. The nurse will record this information in the patient’s medical record.
- Patients may deny or withdraw their visitor consents and request restrictions at any time.
- Patients may have a family member, friend, or another individual present, for emotional support, during the stay, unless the person’s presence hinders others’ rights or safety or is medically not appropriate. This person may, but does not have to be, the chosen medical decision-maker or legally appointed representative.
Visiting hours:
- The general recommendation is 8 AM-8 PM. Clergy and legal representatives will not be required to adhere to visiting times and can have access to the patient as per the patient’s wishes.
- Cameron is flexible with visiting hours based on patient needs and preferences.
Policy enforcement:
- The nurse caring for the patient is responsible for monitoring visiting. Patient preference, medical status, and rest needs will be given priority. Questions can be referred to the House Supervisor or Department Director.
Disruptive visitors:
- If visitors are disruptive in any manner, such as having an odor of alcohol or using foul, threatening, or abusive language or gestures, the charge nurse shall notify Security, per their cell phone (260-316-4525), and the Director of the department or the House Supervisor. Refer to Management of a Disruptive Visitor Policy.
- In an escalating situation, see Security Assistance Policy.
- House Supervisor will notify the administration based on the situation. An event report should be completed, in Cameron’s online event reporting system, in a timely manner.
Patient & Visitor Information
Welcome to Cameron Memorial Community Hospital, where exceptional service and outstanding care is business as usual. Whether you’re visiting our site as a patient or visitor, we want to make finding the information you need as simple as possible.
If you have any questions, please call us at 260-665-2141.
Indiana Advance Directive
Cameron Memorial Community Hospital wishes to advise you of your right to make decisions regarding your medical care, including the right to formulate Advance Directives.
An Advance directive is a legal document you can use to:
- Appoint a healthcare representative (HCR) to speak on your behalf, if you cannot make treatment decisions because of your health condition
- Identify treatment choices for future care
Advance Directives are not required. The purpose of the Advance Directive is for your physician to gain information about your healthcare choices, so that your wishes can be followed.
Recently, Indiana passed a law that allows for greater flexibility in determining the forms you wish to use for completing Advance Directives. There is no official Advance Directive form, but sample options are available at “Prepare for Your Care” (https://www.prepareforyourcare.org) and The Indiana Patient Preferences Coalition (https://www.indianapost.org/patients/), a statewide group that promotes high-quality advance care planning. This group created a standardized Indiana Advance Directive form, that is also available in Spanish & Burmese languages.
You will want to give a copy of your Advance Directive to your healthcare representative, your physician, and hospital staff each time you come to the hospital.
You have the right to:
- Receive information and assistance regarding Advance Directives
- Change or revoke Advance Directives
- Care and treatment whether or not you have an Advance Directive
Cameron’s policy is to honor Advance Directives, including those from out-of-state (if they do not conflict with Indiana state law), provided there is a signed copy of the document present.
The three forms maintained by the Indiana State Department of Health, prior to the new law (Appointment of a Health Care Representative, The Living Will, and The Life-Prolonging Procedures Declaration), are no longer available. However, if you completed one of these forms prior to December 31, 2022, it remains valid, and you do not have to complete a new document, unless you choose to do so.
Complaints regarding Advance Directive requirements may be filed with:
Indiana Department of Health DNV Healthcare USA Inc
2 N. Meridian St. 4435 Alcholtz Road, Suite 900
Indianapolis IN, 46204 Cincinnati, OH 45245
800-457-8283 866-523-6842
Visiting Hours
Here at Cameron, we understand that visitation in the hospital is an important part of safe, effective patient care and contributes to optimal patient outcomes. Our recommended visiting hours are 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, but we encourage you to check with the admissions area or the main lobby desk prior to visiting to make sure it is an appropriate time. Departmental visitation guidelines will be considered to optimize patient care.
If you have questions about visiting the hospital, please contact us at 260-665-2141.
Cameron Hospital Gift Shop
The Cameron Hospital Gift Shop provides a wide variety of cards, gifts, and other needs. Staffed by friendly volunteers, the Gift Shop is currently open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m for Cameron Hospital staff, patients and visitors only at this time.
Cameron Hospital Dining
The Café at Cameron Hospital provides delicious meals to hospital employees, visitors and patients’ families.
Café Hours
Monday – Friday
Breakfast: 6:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Dinner: 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday
Lunch only: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
©2025 Cameron Memorial Community Hospital
416 E. Maumee Street, Angola, IN 46703