Healthy Snacking for Parents On-The-Go

As parents, ensuring our children have the energy and focus they need for their school day starts with the choices we make at home. We teamed up with Cameron’s Registered Dietitian, Hailey Johnston, to learn some practical tips to create healthy eating habits and keep your kids fueled throughout the day.

Embrace Whole Foods for Nutrient-Dense Energy

One of the simplest and most effective ways to boost your child’s nutrition is by choosing whole foods over processed snacks. Foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that support growth and sustained energy levels. Unlike sugary snacks that can lead to energy crashes, whole foods provide a steady stream of energy that keeps kids focused in and out of the classroom.

Get Your Kids Involved in Meal Preparation

Engaging children in meal preparation can have numerous benefits beyond just getting dinner on the table. When kids participate in choosing fruits and vegetables at the store or helping with meal prep at home, they develop a sense of ownership over their food choices. Studies show that children are more likely to try new foods and eat healthier when they’ve had a hand in preparing meals. This involvement not only promotes healthy eating habits but also teaches valuable life skills.

Aim for a Rainbow of Colors on the Plate

Encourage a diverse and colorful diet for your children. Different colors in fruits and vegetables often signify a variety of essential nutrients. By aiming for a rainbow of colors on their plate, you ensure that your child receives a wide range of vitamins and minerals necessary for growth, immunity, and overall health. It’s also a fun way to explore new flavors!

Include Protein-Packed Snacks

Protein-packed snacks play a crucial role in keeping children full and focused throughout the day. Options like cheese sticks, hard-boiled eggs, or hummus with veggies provide a combination of protein and healthy fats that support concentration and prevent mid-
morning or afternoon slumps. These snacks are also convenient and easy for parents to pack for on the go!

Repurpose Leftovers for Quick and Healthy Lunches

By repurposing leftovers into creative lunches for the next day, you ensure that your child continues to eat nutritious meals even when in a time crunch. Don’t toss out your leftovers from the night before, utilize these meals to save time when packing your kid’s lunches!

Implementing these food practices in your daily life not only helps save time but teaches your kids the importance of creating healthy habits. Let us know if you try out any of the tips above and how impactful it was on you and your child’s life!


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